Express International Courier


Rates for Ethiopia

Shipping Cost Calculator


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Select Country and Weight from the below list to compare charges.

0 to 500 Gm 4488 2944
500 Gm to 1 KG 5719 3954
1 KG to 1.5 KG 6337 4870
1.5 KG to 2 KG 7024 5628
0 to 500 Gm 5269 2944
500 Gm to 1 KG 6119 3954
1 KG to 1.5 KG 6773 4870
1.5 KG to 2 KG 7424 5628
2 KG to 2.5 KG 8178 6539
2.5 KG to 3 KG 8458 7409
3 KG to 3.5 KG 9039 8216
3.5 KG to 4 KG 9418 9503
4 KG to 4.5 KG 9799 10323
4.5 KG to 5 KG 10178 11100
5 KG to 5.5 KG 12711 11988
5.5 KG to 6 KG 15341 12851
6 KG to 6.5 KG 18371 13740
6.5 KG to 7 KG 21002 4052
7 KG to 7.5 KG 23932 15490
10 kg 3368/Kg 19976
15 kg 2524/Kg 23681
20 kg 2171/Kg 1386/Kg
25 KG 2396/Kg 1386/Kg
30 KG 1327/Kg 1414/Kg
50 KG 1327/Kg 1344/Kg